"Aeneas Legend" tells the story of the founding of Rome in the 1st Century B.C. As of today, [it] is taught in European schools as a part of mandatory curriculum; and is among the well known stories. This story bases the foundation of Rome, which once rule the world to Anatolia ; and in doing so, it brought out the "Joint Cultural Inheritance" of five countries.

Between May4-7 of 2017, as a joint venture, by The Municipality of Edremit, Antandross Excavation Directorship, and the Antandross Organization, "The Route of Aeneas Workshop" was held. At this workshop, the countries along their "Route" was represented by not only their Municipalities and Mayors, but also by such organizations as, "International Olive/Olive Oil Council (IOOC) Director Abdellatif Ghedira, Ambassadors of Greece and Italy. At tIn the scope of his workshop, it was mostly stressed that the Legend's importance in promoting, not only our region and our country, but also the participating nations, internationally, as well. The consensus was that , "The Route of Aeneas was to be set as a new touristic destination; and when promoting, as in the mythos, starting a project of reenacting the "Route of Aeneas" with the fleet of antique vessels built in Antandross.The voyage will entail the fleet's departure from Antandross; and eventually arrive in today"s Italy to found Rome. In the course of this voyage the fleet will visit the ports where Aeneas made stops. There were exchange of ideas about the events that will take place at each port. At the Workshop Gala Dinner a menu of items from the "Antique Cuisine" were served; and was met with great enthusiasm. It was agreed that with this "Project " new and unique touristic destinations will be created.
In the scope of the Workshop, With the suggestion by Prof. Dr. Gürcan Polat, Aeneas' trip's first leg from Troy to Antandross off 23.5 km was agreed upon as "Aeneas' Road" by the Governorship of Balikesir province and financed by Güney Marmara Kalkınma Ajansı and was named as "Aeneas' Road" in the MISYA YURUYUS YOLLARI project. The pathway that is located between Altinoluk and Daridere was marked and the opening of this pathway was done by the participants of this workshop. The purpose of creating this hiking path was that the tourists from the travel agents will be directed and guided to [it], by dressing them with the antique age clothing and offering them food from that antique menu; thereby, creating an atmosphere of that period of time.
Another important outcome of this workshop is that creation and establishment of "Aeneas's Route Organization" in Rome with a decision made collective. In the Mediterranean region, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Italy and Tunisia have many port cities; and the Aeneas' Route, which will be the first Maritime Cultural Route, was accepted as a candidate by European Cultural Routes Institute. we strongly believe that this "Route" will provide not only friendship and peace in the region, but at the same time will have very positive effect on tourism and Archeology.
In 2011-2012 promotional activities were first initiated by Antandross Organization andPro Loco Castro. It was followed by the participation and support of Municipality of Altinoluk, Municipality of Castro, Ege University and Lecce Salento University. Above entities collectively established the "Anatolia-Europe Historical and Mythological Togetherness." And, this was later taken to the next level by Aeneas' Route Workshop. Our goal, as Antandross Organization, is that along with the representatives from these Five nations form a consortium and work together to get the approval of Aeneas; Route as the first Maritime Cultural Route; and also promote this route as a touristic destination.